PEP! is focussed on Energy and Thermal Performance either as an integrated design tool or as a consultancy to owners and other building designers and Architects.
Emily Knight Design is able to provide you with energy efficiency advice on your existing home, proposed renovations or a new build.
PEP: Passive Solar, Energy Efficiency and Performance Analysis- is integrated into every EKD design project.
Passive Solar Principles integrated into every design
Orientation: starting with the particular attribuites of your property and location, we can assess how to improve access to light, shade and ventilation.
Thermal Mass: Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb and store heat energy. Appropriate use of thermal mass in your home can help stabilise temperatures and reduce heating and cooling costs.
Insulation: Insulation provides resistance to heat flow reducing the loss of heat in winter and the ingress of heat in summer.
Glazing: up to 40% of heat loss and 87% of heat gain in a home happens through glazed windows and doors. Choosing the right glazing for your climate and orientation can signficantly reduce energy costs.
Shading: Shading includes eaves, awnings shutters and planting. Appropriate shading can allow winter sun into a home and exclude summer sun. The location of the sum in the sky is predictable, so it can be designed for.
Diagram of midday sun height in Sydney
source: Polyfab Australia
Ventilation and Airtightness: Fresh air is essential for a healthy home. Ventilation, and the movement of air across the skin provides a cooling effect and can help purge heat when required. The average Australian home is leaky - with significant levels of uncontrolled ventilation - this reduces the efficiency of any heating or cooling that is introduced into your home and increases your energy costs.
Sealing your home is one of the simplest upgrades you can make to increase your comfort and reduce energy costs.
Australia’s Guide to Energy Efficient Homes: Your Home Design Manual
Clean Energy Finance Corp: Energy in Buildings - 50 Best Practice Initiatives